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What is Agile Model in Software Testing?


Today's article we will learn how the Agile model and software testing methods when using the Agile model will be effective.

1. What is Agile?

  • Agile is an agile software development methodology that focuses on product development in the form of short cycles called "sprints". Agile aims to maximize product value and minimize risks by focusing on adaptability to change and rapid customer response.
  • Agile is often applied in software projects but can also be applied in many other areas, from production to marketing and project management.

2. Agile criteria:

  • Interaction between people rather than process and tools: Agile focus on interaction and communication among team members first. Regular communication between customers, product managers, and development team members helps ensure a shared understanding of product requirements and helps make decisions faster and more efficient.
  • Active software rather than detailed documentation: Agile focuses on developing software that can work instead of detailed documentation. Creating working software versions early makes it possible for customers and development teams to evaluate and provide feedback, thereby optimizing product value.
  • Collaborating with customers rather than negotiating contracts: Agile sees customers as part of the product development process. Partnering with customers helps ensure that products are developed that meet actual requirements and respond to customers' changing needs.
  • Adaptability to change rather than to a blueprint: Agile allows for changes and adjustments during product development. Rapid adaptation helps ensure that the product can meet new requirements and solve problems that arise during development.

3. Rules in Agile:

  • The first priority is to create customer satisfaction by providing valuable products.
  • Accept change, even late in the development process. Agile makes the software development process more flexible in terms of changing customer requirements.
  • Delivering operational and valuable software products to customers in a short time, by breaking down software products into small pieces and developing them simultaneously.
  • Software development team members should cooperate closely to achieve the common goal of the project.
  • Build projects around people who contribute directly to the project.
  • Create a positive working environment that supports creativity and continuous improvement.
  • Focus on providing software products that work according to customer requirements.
  • Ensure that the members of the software development team all contribute to the development process and are accountable for the results.
  • Adjust the software development process continuously, through periodic evaluation and improvement.
  • Use simple and effective methods for software development.
  • Encourage direct interaction between members of the software development team.
  • Create software products that are sustainable and can adapt to future changes.

4. Software testing process in Agile model

a. The software testing phases correspond to the software development phases in the Agile model

  • Planning phase: Test plans are programmed to ensure that customer requirements are fully met. Test plans include functional test plans, performance tests and integration test plans.
  • Design phase: Test scenarios are created and test cases are designed. These scenarios are used to ensure that the customer requirements are fully met and that the functionality of the software is tested.
  • Development phase: Test cases are executed in parallel with other development steps of the software. Test cases are used to ensure that the software works properly and fully.
  • Integration testing phase: Test cases are performed to ensure that the software works properly when integrated with other components of the system.
  • Acceptance testing phase: Customer or end user is required to test the product to ensure that it meets their requirements. Acceptance test cases are used to ensure that the software is accepted by the customer.

b. Quality assurance activities in segments


  • Requirement definition segment: Customer requirements are defined and ensured that they can be measured and achieved. QA needs to constantly interact with customers to understand their requirements and ensure that the software developed meets these requirements.
  • Design segment: QA participates in the architectural design of the software. QA will check if the design meets the quality requirements and company standards. If necessary, QA will make suggestions to improve the design.
  • Development segment: QA participates in the software development process. QA ensures that the software developed meets the requirements and set quality standards. QA will conduct product testing to ensure that the developed software meets the quality requirements.
  • Testing Segment: QA performs software testing. Types of testing include unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. The results of the testing activities will be used to improve the software.
  • Deployment segment: QA ensures that the software is properly deployed and meets the quality standards. QA will check that the implemented system has met the quality requirements and will make suggestions to improve the product in the future.



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